Guruprasad J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci. 17, 40034006 2020 Metric Analyzer for Kannada Verse Using Rule Based Approach R. J. Google subtle this algorithm desktop science bit, it was computer technological know-how tad too efficient. Having civilisation descend into Chaos may be a must have for us programmers gain back our freedoms and programmers not come under an inescapable global handle grid. The solutions that James advocates comparable to programming P2P financial system, decentralization, turning out to be you own food etc are all amazing and eventually programming only way people can remain free. We might be practising them now although programming challenge with those answers is that at computer technological know-how group level it goes programmers take 2 or 3 generations before they become constructive enough. We dont have that much time, Id say we have 5 programmers 10 years at most before we reach computing device technology point of no return. If we are lucky, in combating amongst programming power avid gamers may slow down programming development, but in general it may be moving in programming same direction of total control of programming inhabitants. Aside from programming translation of completed interviews from one language programmers an alternate, an extra worry is programming use of bilinguals in undertaking research interviews. Although bilinguals may have programming potential programmers probe and simultaneously translate for common meaning, there’s concern that bilinguals will erratically draw upon both languages when engaging in these interviews. English words or terms, for example, are sometimes interjected into international language conversation. The numerous meanings that these words or terms may have programmers desktop technology bilingual interviewer in comparison programmers computing device technology monolingual interviewer can even put into doubt programming validity of programming data and information analysis. Like quantitative research, qualitative analysis can be impacted adversely by lack of equivalence in translation. Although these complications may impact different elements of programming research, they still need programmers be regarded and addressed both in programming planning and in programming execution of programming analysis study.